Impact of the Supply Chain Act on the Sustainable Development Goals

Interview with Saskia Esken


In an interesting interview with SPD Co-Chair Saskia Esken, we talked about the impact of the Supply Chain Act on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In a hybrid format, our members Tobias Ergenzinger and Nikola Romic interviewed the politician. Afterwards, our member Katharina Hausfelder, together with Lutz Becker, revisited the topic of the Supply Chain Act in an in-depth discussion.

The special thing about this event was that we conducted the interview from a recording room, as in a studio setting. The audience was able to participate via a live link on YouTube. Besides the mostly online events in Microsoft Teams, this was a great new experience. Further down the page you will also find the recording of the event. Feel free to check it out.

  • Supply Chain Act

    The aim of the Supply Chain Act is to improve the protection of human rights in global supply chains. The aim is not to implement German social standards everywhere in the world, but to ensure compliance with fundamental human rights standards such as the ban on child labor and forced labor.

  • SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

    This Sustainable Development Goal aims to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Saskia Esken

Co-Party Chairwoman of the SPD


Lutz Becker

Dean of Study Master Sustainability Management & Leadership at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences


Watch the Recording

The interview with Saskia Esken (from minute 12:30) is in German with English subtitles. The rest of the event was held in English.